Sunday, September 7, 2008

Yang Sudah Busuk dan yang Masih Muda... hahaha




另外呢,老人有很多的经验,他们也曾过去了年青的时间。这些年他们可能已经了解很多生活方面的事情,但是这个就是最大的原因为什么老人会那么固执的。他们的想法可能很丰富,做法也固定的,但是一般的老人常常不听别人的意见,特别是年青人的意见。他们回想的“我是老人,年龄比他们大得多,经验也很多,我的意见一定比他们重要,更对的!” 这样我觉得不行。



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Greatest Gift of All is Life!

wNB - Judulnya kali ini sedikit quote dari lagu "We are the World" by Michael Jackson n Lionel Richie

Gini nih critanya... brsan aq chat ama temen aq di MSN, mulai pecakapan---

Dia:Mon how was ur day?
Dia: why great?
Aku: (bingung btr...) great becozz... i'm still alive!!


Dia:Wah kata2nya bagus mon...
Aku: Yang mana?
Dia: yah yang great becozz... i'm still alive!! itu...

Gt de.. jadi aku buat2 ini... n ini masih belum selesei jadi kalian kalo mo tambah2in silahkan ok? di cbox ---> aja hahaha....

It does feel great to be alive...
it means,
more time to fix ur mistakes...
more time to say to ur loved ones how much u care about them...
more time to express how sorry you are to the people u've hurt...
more time show the world that you are alive for a reason...
more time to repay back the good deeds others have done to you...
more time to think how your answers are gonna be when the angel of death ask you how worthy are you of heaven...

more time to....? any idea? what have you done and what will you do in your life?

ide2 dari Melisa:

more time to make more mistakes and learn from them...
more time ro realise how great and good our God is...
more time to eventually realise how grandeur this world of His creations...
more time to waste your time with your best of friends...
more time to feel how wonderful and painful love is...
more time to witness God's miraculous works and ways...


Wednesday, August 13, 2008


还有,我的中文水平并不好,希望你们能了解! T_T




Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hari ini tepat 1 tahun, 1 bulan, 8 hari since pertama kali saya menjejakkan kaki ke Beijing hahahaha (penting ga ya?)

Neeway, I'ven't been writing blogs since then... soalnya ini situs kaga bisa dibuka d China, pertama tuh saya kira emang seluruh china inet connectionnya o'on abiz jadi ga bisa buka. Ternyata cuma di dorm tempat sy tinggal ajah... tuh kan rese kan.. Ini blog ditulis pake bhs Indonesia tercinta soal'e kalo pake inggris ntar temen2 saya disini bisa baca, berabe dah ... Kenapa?

Karena gini nih critanya, saya tuh tak berapa suka tinggal d China sini, bukan gara2 kondisi lingkungannya ato apa (itu juga iya sih) tapi gara2 orang2nya yg err... how to say.. kurang sopan gt dey.. haha, ini menurut gw yah, emang ga semuany sih kaya gt jg... fiiuhh gini d.. sy critain satu case yg saya alami sendiri pas mao "membeli sepatu" di salah satu toko disini....

Hari itu hari yg sangat cerah, hari yg tepat buat beli sepatu (ada yah hari kaya getu?). Jadi saya ama beberapa temen pegi ke toko lmyan terkenal di Beijing sini... cari2 sepatu kn... Kebetulan gw tuh tertarik ma sepatu c~ yg bentuknya kaya spatu bakpao/selop gt cm coraknya kotak2 item putih kaya catur... (yg di pake ama Charlie di film LOST) jadi begitu sampe udah liat2 spatu2 kaya gt... banyak jg sih yg kliatan, cm gw brusaha cari toko yg PAS gt.. yg sreg d hati...


Akhirnya sampe di satu toko, percakapan di mulai (pake mandarin ni critanya =P)

Saya: Sepatu yang jenis itu harganya berapa?

Toko: 60Yuan ndak bisa kurang lagi, kl mau ambil, ga mau pegi!

(Mikir~toko2 yg sebelumnya paling rendah 80Yuan, lumayan nih)

Saya: Ok saya ambil d... 60Yuan beneran kan?!

Toko: Iyah! Mau yg warna apa?

Saya: Yg abu2 itu ajah

(Di toko itu ada dua pasang sepatu di display, satu abu2, satunya lagi item~akhirnya dia ambilin yg abu2 trs saya coba)

Saya: Ukurannya kekecilan nih, kok cm size 4? add yg 4.5 ga? Yang item liat deh.....

Dia: Cerewet! (beneran dia ngomong kaya gini, saya ga salah denger)

Saya: Nah ini cocok nih ukuran 4.5, ambilin warna abu yg size nya gini ada ga?

Dia: Oh ada! sbentar y saya ambilin... trs dia pegi bawa spatu abu2 yg size 4.0 itu mao dituker ama yg 4.5 kan...

20menit blalu~

Dia: Nih ada! Saya bungkus yah?!

Saya: Bentar buk, saya coba dulu....~(mencoba)~.... Lho kok sama kecilnya kaya tadi?

Dia: Ga mungkin! ini lebih besar kok, mungkin masih baru jadi aga sesak.. nih coba liat ukurannya (sambil nunjukin nomer sizenya)]

EEHH TAA*, tau gak 4.5 itu dia tulis sendiri pake sepidol... jadi angka 0 nya itu di tebel2in jadi angka 5... SIAL kirain gw bego apa... gw bego jg belum tentu buta kan... Rupanya itu sepatu abu2 yg sama dengan yg tadi dia bawa buat di tukerin...

Saya: Buk, kamu tulis sendiri yah?

Dia: (dah mulai gugup tp masih marah2) Kaga~!!~ INI TUH ASLI!! BEGO BGT SIH, LIAT JELAS2!! DARI PABRIK JG DAH KAYA GINI~!~

Saya: Ndak deh, saya ndak jadi beli kalo gt, terlalu kecil ini...


What happened next tuh ga di sangka2 banget, sepatu nya di lempar ke mukaku ~BUK~ aww duh sial... trs aku cepet2 lariiiii kabuurr... hahahahahaha...

Episodes2 gila kaya gini tuh banyak bgt yg gw alamin di sini.... yg sepatu ini blm tralu parah masian... ntar kl ada waktu lagi aku tulisin d... ^^Skrg dah malem, pengen cepet2 pulang balik dorm hehehe.. Ok.. Have a nice Life people! GBU!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Just Words

"Beyond Tomorrow, I see future. Beyond Future, I see hope."

"Beyond Promises, I see broken faith. Beyond Sworn bound, I see betrayal."

"Beyond all wonders I see your eyes, from where I saw neither good nor bad, but what I see have always been what I wanted to see."

The first verse is the goodies while the second one tells u the baddies (ada ga yah inggris kaya gini? bodo amat) But I think when you are in with someone u love ^^ smeone u adore so much, is when from him/her you will see nothing good or nothing bad, you just like everything about him/her. That is why there's a saying goes 'love is blind' gyahahaha...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Buat yg pada bingung napa koq 11 posts di bawah nih... pada tanggal yg sama wakaka.. gw ga mgkn nulis segini byk dalam sehari... soalnya dulu akuw blog nya di xanga trs abis itu akuw pindah ke Beijing kan, di sini xanga ga bisa di buka ga tau napa.. so aku copy semua kesini dalam sehari gt deh wakakaka

Sorry for the confusion to all of you who read thz... If you see all the 11 posts below it was written and posted on the very same date as this message. Why? I started to write blogs a long time ago but not here, it was in In Beijing, apparently I can't get the access to the site, the reason why is I don't know wakakakaka... so yeah I copied all my previous posts (not all though) to blogspot and hopefully I'll be starting to publish new posts. I'm planning to write about China, the city of Bejing, Chinese people, the culture, and of course the FooD =P

Ok GBU All! bye2..

Orang Tanpa Pendirian

Suddenly a topic flashed thru my head this afternoon. Its about words and vows that I had taken when later I simply ignore. Its not promises to other people, its what I vowed myself that I would never this and I would never that... you know, gaya2 gt... haiz.. Now I know, that life is not that simple, at least not until you experience them yourself. I have learnt also that I cannot say things easily till I know exactly how/what those things are...

Ok basically, my life is about shortcuts, I did not take the usuall path where people went thru junior high-senior high-university one by one. I jumped from here to there which makes me (almost everytime) being the youngest in a class/group. Happened to be the youngest I hung out with older people including older girls ^^, not that I have no chance going out with younger girls, but its just too few of them. I've always said this "I would never ever fall with older girls" yet I did... It was unplanned you know... didn't like her one bit at first and I've known her like 2 years? or more... but then somthing about her made me... aarrrghh... gt deh... cm udah ga ada prasaan apa2 skrg... tau diri deh gw kaga ada apa2nya jg hihihi... ok thAt's the first

Secondly, high school time I was in Science class because I don't like Social and we had no Language class at that time. In science I couldn't do very well just so-so though I often got high scores for my biology and chemistry but still yet my math and physics wasn't that good, so I decided this path isn't mine, then I moved to Advance Diploma in International Business (Social) wahh things were great, I wasn't supposedly think that social was this great... I started to think that this is the path I should be in... later I went to Marketing Major for my Bachelor degree, here things went very nasty, its not that it was hard or what, but toooo many things that I had to remember, I started to miss science and then an idea glanced to my head "If not science, nor social, I should be in Language" waahh.. then I started to think tht I'm good in language and that language is my expertise and so on and so on. Now I have to take my words back... hahahaha.. now I'm doing chinese language course in Beijing and here... fuuuuhhh verrryy difficult, all the han zi (Chinese Characters) memorizing stuffs exhaust me every single minutes.. gooosshhh... what should I do? hahahahaha gw ni udah bego males lagi wakakakaka

From now on, I reaalllyy wanna think twice before I say anything... ^^ Well I know, perhap this isn't hurting anybody or what... but its not good laarhh... ya ga? hiihihihi ok next post I'm going to write bout Beijing and my life here... ^^ GBU all!