This is a story of BrAinleSs people!!! It was mid-day, tgl brp gw lupa =P, I was acompanying my friend to her apartment. She was actually moving in to my house, and she was there for the last time to packed up left-over stuffs.
Here it goes, upon arriving at the apartment she told me to wait in front of the lift.. she went upstairs so that when she get down I can help carrying all the items, so I wait and she went upstairs.. A minute later, came a security guard He was a malaysian in a middle of a phone call, with all those wire plugged into his ear (sok keren) he was speaking in malay about something2 i dunno... Dah toh, bis itu telpun nya selesei... trus dia tanya2;
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm waiting for a friend sir"
"Where is your friend?" <-- gObLog!! ya jelas di atas larg! gw di dpn lift ini!!
"Upstairs sir"
"Which unit?"
this one I frankly dunno so I said "I don't know sir"
then he said again, now with higher tone "Which unit?!"
"I don;t know sir, probably 7th or 11th?" <--- ngawur ae jwb'e, biar de'e puas!!
"This is your first time here?"
"No sir, I've been here once"
"So this is your second time?" <-- bego bgt sih nih org!! nek wes kesini sekali yo iki kedua kali lah!!
"Yes sir"
"Then why you don't know where is he staying?"
"yeah, I just don't know sir"
"Call him!"
pas itu gw ada dua hp di tangan, hape gw sendiri ama hape temenkuw itu! dia g bawa hpnya ke atas, jadi gw jawab...
"She left her phone sir, here look" sambil nujukin hp nya.. jaga2 aja sapa tau selain bego dia jg aga buta2 gt...
"He or She?"
"U don't know her phone number?? What kind of friend are you??" !@#$%^ aku maune wes marah, INI LHO HAPENYA ADA DI SINI!! setan! <--- buta beneran kan?
"She left it here sir, look!"
"Okay, phone her home.. house number"
Ya ampun, temen gw tinggal di rumah ii nya, mana gw tau nomer rumah iinya, bahkan temen gw sendiri jg g pernah tau! so I said,
"I don't know sir"
then He start acting like a monkey who lost all his bananas.. "EVERYTHING U DON'T KNOW!, THAT'S GREAT!!"
gw ampe pasang muka swt, haa?? heran bgt! gila! trus tau2 temennya di belakang kuw... ikut2an... temennya itu cuma tukang kayu biasa.. w/o any uniform, which means he doesn't held any authority at all!! exept for cutting all those lumbers... dia blg gini,
"You don;t have anything here, please leave" the start to get angry as well as said once again
gila g sih?? trus si security tuh ikutan2 blg, "you better leave" "GO AWAY!" ya udah aku g mau buat masalh aku blg tenang "Okay sir, I'm leaving"
tau ga? ampe di temenin ke parking lot.. di teriak2in "LEAVE2" "GO AWAY2"
Pas udah dia tinggalin aku udah mau pigi2.. tau2 dia lari ke aku lagi...blg "There's your friend!" masih dgn muka menyebalkan.. trus gw ikutin dia ke dpn lift lagi kan.. ketemu temenkuw.. gt dia masih marah2 di dpn muka temenkuw blg gini,
"He is your friend??!! You're staying at 21st level right? He was saying all 7th 11th!!!" Gitu kon!! aargghhh... aku udah mulai emosi akhire aku blg dgn nada tinggi setenang mgkn
"lOok! (you moron) She never told me okay?" y udah trs dia pigi.. aku urus2...
Rupanya setelah.. tau... dia ngomong terakhir2 ama temenkuw.. kl dia kira aku org vietnam.. yg punya maksud engga2... criminals... getu.. jadi dia tuh kaya Prejudice gt.. trus brdasarkan pikirannya dia doang aku org vietnam dia jadi kaya gt...
If you guys said it was all security procedures, u better think twice.. Nothing was near thAt!!! His words was nothing more than abusive words.. bentak2.. yelling2.. ARrghhh...
Yeah so thAT's my unpleasant experience.. I never ever blame my friend for this, reallly.... so I'm sorry if you feel so...
1 comment:
this article has successfully mengocok perutku malam2. wkaka.. sungguan mbanyol pwol *sorry kl kedgrannya tertawa d atas penderitaanmu* tp ga lahh, aq kan tertawa bersamamu bkn ngetawain km. hihihi :p
byk2 ngepost ginian yaa.. haha
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