Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Buat yg pada bingung napa koq 11 posts di bawah nih... pada tanggal yg sama wakaka.. gw ga mgkn nulis segini byk dalam sehari... soalnya dulu akuw blog nya di xanga trs abis itu akuw pindah ke Beijing kan, di sini xanga ga bisa di buka ga tau napa.. so aku copy semua kesini dalam sehari gt deh wakakaka

Sorry for the confusion to all of you who read thz... If you see all the 11 posts below it was written and posted on the very same date as this message. Why? I started to write blogs a long time ago but not here, it was in In Beijing, apparently I can't get the access to the site, the reason why is I don't know wakakakaka... so yeah I copied all my previous posts (not all though) to blogspot and hopefully I'll be starting to publish new posts. I'm planning to write about China, the city of Bejing, Chinese people, the culture, and of course the FooD =P

Ok GBU All! bye2..

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